
It’s lovely to meet you.

I’ve been practising yoga since I first went to a local village hall lesson with my Mum aged 14…

I kept up yoga on and off throughout college and University - but then really got the bug as a young graduate living in Bristol.

When I moved out of Bristol and into the Chew Valley in Somerset, I was really worried about leaving behind all those amazing yoga classes (and yoga buddies!) I had access to in Bristol… but I was so excited to discover the amazing yoga classes and eventual yoga teacher training with the wonderful Ann-See Yeoh at Yoga Chew Valley.

I've been teaching for 6 years now and I can honestly say that I feel like I’ve finally found the thing I was born to do!

I first taught alongside my ‘main job’ as an Energy Consultant and in-between growing and birthing my two children, Reuben and Orla (now aged 3 and 1).

But, in January 2021, in the middle of a global pandemic, I made the decision to leave my corporate job and make my yoga teaching my ‘main job’ at last.

I enjoy such a huge sense of fulfilment from teaching yoga and bringing accessible yoga to as wide a range of people as possible. And this decision - to focus on what brings me joy and to help bring joy to others everyday - was further fuelled by the recent death of my sister Claire.

Claire was aged just 43 and had 3 young children when she died, in January 2021, from a glioblastoma (a very aggressive brain tumour). I spoke to her at length about my yoga plans while she was ill (I remember the exact conversation - where we were and what was said) and she was so supportive and willing me on.

So, in a way, this whole beautiful thing I’m now doing with my life, is part of her legacy.

It’s for her and for how she would want all of us to embrace life - every single day - with both hands, filling it with things that make us happy and holding those we love as close to our hearts as possible.

I really hope to see you on a yoga mat soon, be it for an evening class, an outdoor yoga & pastry session, or a chaotic preschool yoga adventure!

Best wishes,

Ellie xx

P.S. Enjoy more insights into my daily life as well as top tips and class information by following my on Instagram @yoga_withellie or subscribe to my mailing list below. Thank you.


Moments in the life of Yoga with Ellie.